are local offers?
Local offers are location specific offers
listed by daily deal (also know as Group Buying) sites such as KGB Deals,
Groupon and Living Social. The offers are usually in excess of 60% off but only
last for a short period.
to use local offers & daily deals
Local daily deals are listed on
iLikeOffers.co.uk under ‘Local Offers’ which is a special part of the site we’ve
created to make it easier to find local offers in your town or city. The offers
listed include the ‘was’ price, ‘now’ price and the saving so you can easily
see how strong the offer is. By default when you visit the section we display
offers from your nearest town (if available), however the drop down menu can be
used to select other locations or national offers.
- To redeem the offer just click the ‘Get offer’ button and the daily deal site offering the local offer will then open in a new window.
- You will then be able to view further information on the offer.
- If you select to purchase the offer you will purchase it directly from the daily deal site (usually in the form of a voucher) and then redeem it with the third party brand/advertiser which is offering the product or service.