About Us

iLikeOffers.co.uk was launched in 2012 to make it easy for UK shoppers to discover offers from their favourite brands. We were fed up of having to search across the web looking for offers and thought there had to be an easier way – we started looking at ways to provide the most relevant offers to individual shoppers.


We’re proud of what we’ve created as now you can see the top offers from your favourite brands in the ‘MyOffers’ section after you’ve logged in, as well as ‘recommended’ offers based on your favourite products, brands and interests. We’ve also made it easy for you to find the top brands and offers across the site to save you the time looking through thousands of offers trying to find the best one for you. It’s a new way to shop online and we hope you love it as much as we do – please feel free to send any feedback via our Contact Page and help other members and friends by sharing great offers you find.